Ahh, goals.
When you hear that word, do you sigh, “Enough already!”?
We hear you.
The purpose of this article isn’t to take a deep dive into stuff you probably don’t even have time to read. Instead, we’re sharing our top 5 tips to give you a quick burst of inspiration as you pursue whatever intentions you’ve set.
Without further ado, let’s get right into it!
1. Make a Story Around Your Goal
To craft your unique story, start by asking WHY. Yep, we’ve all heard “Know your why” so many times that it’s become a cliché and lost its true meaning.
But this isn’t just some useless corporate catchphrase: knowing your why has real benefits. It’s tied to your sense of purpose, and that’s what makes it so powerful.
In one study of over 2,000 adults, those who reported having a stronger sense of purpose were substantially less likely to experience negative emotions or disagreeable physical symptoms as the result of daily stress. Instead, they were more likely to experience positive emotions.
Once you define it, use your why to develop a creative story involving your goal. Have fun with this! If writing isn’t your thing, try a vision board instead. Or, you could just do it 2023 style & consult ChatGPT for a little inspo to get you started…
“If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.” -Roy T. Bennett
2. Think Big, Start Small 😉
One of the easiest ways to get derailed when you’re pursuing a goal is to think BIG – without breaking down your vision into measurable steps.
Feel the overwhelm melt away as you identify the small, measurable steps that make up your goal. If it seems like you’ve tried everything to achieve your goal but you’re just spinning your wheels, you’ll find this tip a way more approachable way to bust through the frustration.
Need to stoke your inner fire so you can work on those small steps? The same enthusiasm that encourages you to think big can also be used to propel yourself forward as you work on the small steps it’ll take to achieve your goal.
“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.” – Brian Tracy
3. Partner Up! 
Accountability is key in goalsetting. Most coaches who work with leaders are well aware of how accountability in the workplace can improve performance, cultivate creativity, and boost commitment and morale.
An accountability partner can help you achieve many of those same benefits, whatever your goal is. If you’re really serious about achieving your vision successfully, consider seeking out one or more people who will hold you accountable.
When you’re tempted to make excuses, your accountability partner can help keep you in check. They can call you out – and offer the honest feedback and genuine support you need to succeed.
“You’re going to mess up. So instead of trying to be perfect, learn how to be accountable.” – Whitney Goodman
4. Handle Obstacles Like a Boss
Planning ahead is probably the #1 most effective way to navigate the inevitable obstacles you’ll face. It’s so important, we created an entire series on how you can plan for success (along with a FREE 90-Day Planning Guide, in case you’re interested).
Something holding you back? You’re not alone: for many of us, a sneaky little gremlin pops into our minds. And that pesky gremlin has a lot to say – all in effort to sabotage our efforts:
- Why bother? Everything will change anyway.
- I’ve tried it. Planning is too restrictive for me.
- It’s pointless to plan. And boring, too.
Silence that inner gremlin! Planning is the backbone to executing your goal.
“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.” – Roger Crawford
5. Focus & Divert
Rinse & repeat. Ace those goals! Focus is vital to stay the course and actually achieve whatever goal(s) you’ve set for yourself.
But everyone needs a little time to lighten up & play! It’s simply not sustainable to focus 24/7 on any one thing. Don’t be too hard on yourself – if you fall off track, know that it happens to everyone.
Lose the embarrassment, shame & self-criticism. Shift your focus away from the seriousness of life for a bit and see how it can transform life in ways you hadn’t even thought of.
“When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED.” – Dr. Seuss
BONUS Tip: Celebrate your victories! Acknowledge your wins by giving yourself permission to have fun…because you deserve it.
“Track your small wins to motivate your big accomplishments.” – Teresa Amabile
How can our marketing experts help you reach your business goals this year? Let’s set up a time to discuss your visions and how we can support you. Schedule a complimentary call right here.