webinar landing page | webinar support | webinar launch

In preparation for an upcoming speaking event, our client was looking to engage her audience and grow her list.

We recommended a webinar that could be used to both attract new interests and introduce her to potential attendees of the upcoming live event. This webinar also gave her an opportunity to ask the event organizers to share information with their entire audience prior to the event, again as a win-win for both her and the event.

This client already had a strong brand and a great grasp of her material, allowing us to focus on the specifics of the webinar promotion and design elements.

In addition to the landing page design and development, we helped with almost every aspect of this virtual event. We drafted the page copy, promotional and follow-up email copy, social media posts and images, automated Infusionsoft campaign for registrations, facilitated technical support during the webinar event, and managed the transition of the webinar to ‘evergreen’.

(note that the header image appears different here because of the parallax scrolling effect, which is hard to capture in a still image)



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