Wondering what to do with all that great old content? Maybe it’s time to Revive It & Reuse It! It can be hard to always be creative. For some, it is a gift. For others, a burden. For all, it requires time and concentration – both very high commodities for any business owner. But what about all the wonderful material …
When Opportunity Doesn’t Knock
Wouldn’t it be nice if all you had to do to be successful was to just exist? Just sit back and say yes, or no, to prospects that come your way? The reality is, very few times in life does an opportunity just fall in your lap. You need to hustle and hustle hard (at least in the beginning). We …
Is The Honeymoon Over?
Here is a question that often goes unasked: How is your business relationship going? You are probably thinking – my business relationship? Yep. Probably the connection that you reflect on the least; definitely the one that you engage in the most. So how do you even begin to evaluate it? Are you feeling burnt out? Do you still proclaim that …
5 Reasons For Choosing WordPress To Build Your Website
Thinking of starting an online business? Have an existing business that is growing? Ready to capitalize on the power of the Internet with a new website or improve your appearance with a re-design? You know you need a website (and blog), but are you confused as to which platform to start using? SquareSpace? Wix? Weebly? Shopify? WordPress? 1and1? GoDaddy? There …
Do You Need a Website Revamp?
When’s the last time you updated your website or created new content? I recently walked by a store I use to shop at years ago. Being so busy and with the convenience of purchasing everything online, I haven’t been there in a while. I felt nostalgic as I looked in the window. I saw that they were weathered from our …
The Year of… [Enter Theme Here]
Here’s to amplified success in the New Year!!! Like so many of you, I can get so busy with my workload that I have often become accustom to treading water rather than gaining ground. It is so easy to do – isn’t it? So how exactly do I plan on gaining said ground and growing professionally this year? Simple – …
Maintaining a Membership Program that Engages
Congratulations! You now have a well-established membership site. So how will you protect it and make sure it will continue to flourish? What does it take to build momentum and have your program “level-up”? It is no secret that attention spans are at an all-time low. A recent study states that humans now have an average attention span of 8 …
Designing a Great Membership Program with 4 Key Elements
So what makes a membership program great? How do you offer a quality membership site that produces maximum engagement from your members? The content and advice out there is overwhelming. There are so many “experts” that offer their ideas on what makes one membership platform more successful than another. Here are 4 basic elements we try to focus on and …
5 Ways to Improve Your Online Course Experience
How does a live course differ from an online course (other than the obvious)? It is much easier to “walk away” from the course and never return. Unlike a live course where one has put in effort to travel there, find parking and settle into a seat, in a virtual environment they can just click the “x” and never return. …
Online Course Design: 4 Keys to Strategic Course Success
Isn’t learning fun?! We think so… Those ‘ah ha’ moments that help you come up with your next great idea, the bond you create with others over new experiences, the insight you share. But how can you create that for others? And is it possible to take your content and turn it into a valuable online learning experience? The answer …