Hopefully you’ve been following our blogging series this month. We have covered why blogging is important, the parts and pieces of a good blog, and blogging FAQs. Now we are going to wrap things up by give you a list of suggestions for crafting your blog posts to maximize search engine optimization (SEO), readability, and engagement. The following is a …
Blogging FAQs
We want to address the top three questions that we hear from business owners who are anticipating starting a blog or recently started blogging.
Blogging Anatomy; the Parts and Pieces of a Blog
As you start building your blog, it’s important to include certain elements that will make your life easier and your blog easier to navigate in the long run. The initial set-up and integration are very important. Your blog should be an integrated part of your website, not something that takes visitors away from your site. WordPress is an easy to …
Blogging for Business; Why Blog?
Blogging for Business; Why Blog?
This will be the first in a short series of posts on blogging for small businesses. Over the next few weeks, we will address blog set-up, frequently asked questions, and best practices.
Let’s start by answering the questions, “What is a BLOG?” and “Why should I Blog?”
Tips for Growing Your Email List
When it comes to growing your email list, there are multiple approaches. Some rely on consistency, while others provide a shot of adrenaline.
5 Outlook Email Tips
5 tips to help you use Microsoft Outlook more effectively
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