5 Tips for time management and software suggestions to help!
ABCs of Control Keys
If you want to increase your efficiency when using Microsoft Word (or any Microsoft software), try using some control! Use your control key to help perform routine tasks quickly and easily. Here are the basic control key functions from A to Z: Control + A = Select All Control + B = Bold Control + C = Copy Control + …
Entrepreneurs Getting Started, Getting Organized!
In order to ensure that all of our responsibilities are fulfilled and expectations are met, we have to be organized. This holds true, and is even multiplied, if you are the business owner.
The Power of Presentations!
The ability to get in front of a crowed and captivate them is certainly an ART! There is so much that goes into a good presentation. There’s the ability to articulate, the physical appearance of the presenter, the setting of the venue, the content of what’s being presented, and the visuals being utilized. While majority of attendees are ‘visual learners’, we …
10 Tips for Maximizing the Usefulness of Your Spreadsheets!
Spreadsheets (such as Microsoft Excel) are very powerful tools and when used correctly, they can make your life a lot easier. Almost any export data is presented in a spreadsheet option, most imports require a spreadsheet, most financial and sales data is organized into spreadsheets, schedules and even mailing files often use spreadsheets. Here are a few tips to help …
7 Word Processing Tips for Readability
Word Processing – more than book reports and letters. Word processing applications give us the combination of effective writing, graphics, and formatting with easy-to-use tools and editing options. The most popular word processing applications are Microsoft Word and WordPerfect, plus there is a list of free or open-source options available. And while anyone can write, not everyone can format effectively …