Webinars and workshops for coaches

5 Ways Webinars Can Benefit Your Coaching Business

In Online Learning by KathrineFLeave a Comment

Some highlights of this info-packed post:

  • Stats prove why webinars are so popular
  • What is a webinar?
  • 5 big benefits that make the case
  • Webinars are (still) the future of marketing
  • Automation is every coach’s best friend

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a single strategy that would expand your reach as a coach, establish you as an expert, and build your list?

While there is no magic wand to make all your coaching dreams come true (sorry!), one marketing approach comes pretty close: webinars.

Stats Prove Why Webinars are Popular with Marketers

True, when you think about ways to grow your coaching business, hosting a webinar might not be at the top of your to-do list.

But it should be. Just consider these convincing stats:

  • 91% of B2B professionals named webinars as their preferred type of content.
  • An impressive 64% of B2B marketers hosted a webinar in the last year.
  • 68% of marketers could link webinars to revenue (and 75% of them said webinars lowered their cost-per-lead).

Keep reading to discover the 5 top benefits hosting webinars can offer you. Then you’ll see how they can be a game-changer for you.

What is a Webinar? How webinars can help your coaching business

Before we dive into all the benefits, a quick definition: A webinar is a live or pre-recorded online seminar, training, or workshop that allows you to:

  • Present valuable information
  • Interact with your audience (via live chat and Q&A sessions)
  • Engage with participants in real-time

They’ve become a very popular, effective method for coaches to connect with their audience by leveraging the power of digital technology.

Webinars can cover a wide range of topics: you might present leadership strategies to your audience, offer unique tips for personal development, or explain innovative solutions to address a common problem in your industry. The (digital) world is your oyster – provided that your presentation offers value to participants.

5 Benefits That Make the Case for Webinars

  1. Nurture your existing list: Ever wondered what you could do to re-engage existing sales leads? Online webinars are a great way to spark new interest in your business. Many coaches worry they won’t have enough people to participate. No worries there – stats say that 83% of webinars have fewer than 50 live attendees.
  2. Build trust: Hosting a webinar is the perfect know, like, trust opportunity. Through your workshop, participants get to know you as a real person, which leads to the next two steps of a virtuous cycle: like and trust. A carefully crafted workshop can serve as a powerful foundation to cultivate trust among your followers.
  3. Showcase expertise: Establish yourself as an expert in your coaching niche as you share your knowledge. A simple online training is a great strategy for thought leaders to bring their ideas in front of a wider audience and boost credibility. When incorporated as part of your marketing strategy, seminars can transform your presence from ordinary coach to powerful influencer.
  4. Attract new leads: Webinars are a great lead magnet. Offer to solve/address the problems/pain points of your ideal client. The best part is that online webinars let you connect with a larger, diverse audience around the globe – unlike traditional in-person workshops or seminars.
  5. Reuse all that great content: Did you ever consider all that fantastic reusable collateral that can be added to your content library…all thanks to one single webinar? In fact, B2B marketers enjoyed an average of 6.3 new pieces of content from each webinar.

Repurpose your content into posts for social media, articles on LinkedIn and your website, or even to offer a refreshed presentation in the future.

Webinars are (still) the Future of Marketing for Coaches, but…

Webinars aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon: the global webinar and virtual event market is ever-expanding, expected to reach $4.4 billion by 2025.

Is something holding you back? Maybe you’ve tried in the past and been derailed at mastering the “tech side” of hosting an online webinar. Or you wanted to offer a helpful training because you knew the benefits, but weren’t sure where to start. We hear you!

Despite the benefits, it’s easy to get overwhelmed at the thought of endless hours spent managing webinar registrations, reminders, and follow-ups – not to mention creating the content for the event itself.

Automation is a Coach’s Best Friend

Automation is THE way to make your webinar process seamless and efficient – it’s a game changer for coaches (or anyone) who wants to maximize resources to get the most out of this powerhouse marketing strategy.

When it comes to automation, think:

  1. Efficiency: Focus on your actual presentation, not all the “nuts & bolts.”
  2. Scalability: Easily reach a wider audience, without increasing your workload.
  3. Consistency: Seamlessly provide a clean, branded experience for every attendee.

Need some expert insight to maximize the benefits from hosting a workshop? Schedule a complimentary consult with Marketecs so we can learn more about your unique needs and give you tailored advice: https://www.marketecs.com/schedule/

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